Lucky Motor Corporation Licensed by PTA to manufacture Samsung Phones in Pakistan

On August 10, PTA announced by a tweet that they authorized Lucky Motor Corporation to manufacture Samsung smartphones officially in Pakistan.

On August 10, PTA announced by a tweet that they authorized Lucky Motor Corporation to manufacture Samsung smartphones officially in Pakistan.

PTA Authorizes Lucky Motor to Manufacture Samsung Phones in Pakistan

On August 10, PTA announced by a tweet (on their official twitter handle) that they authorized Lucky Motor Corporation to manufacture Samsung smartphones officially in Pakistan as per the request of company itself. The company had applied for the license to manufacture smartphones in their phone manufacturing plant in Karachi which was granted by PTA in response to this request.

PTA's official words were: "In accordance with Mobile Device Manufacturing (MDM) Regulations 2021, PTA has issued MDM authorization to Lucky Motor Corporation Limited for manufacturing of Samsung brand mobile devices". PTA termed the license as a landmark achievement because this will further ensure the revolutionize the coruscating phone manufacturing system in Pakistan as more and more local and foreign companies will invest in this growing market. The exact statement was; "The authorization to manufacture Samsung Mobile devices in Pakistan is a landmark achievement and will further revolutionize the vibrant mobile manufacturing ecosystem in the country by ensuring presence of major local and foreign players in the market".

Previously PTA had granted similar Mobile Device Manufacturing (MDM) to 25 local plus foreign companies to produce mobile phones in Pakistan in hopes that this will bring revenue through exports in the country. Furthermore, granting the licenses to build the phone manufacturing plants will in turn create more jobs and thus help reduce unemployment even if helps feed a few mouths only, each step is a step. Also, phones being manufactured in the country would mean the MSRP to be affordable for people making it possible to have access to newer technology easier.

The research led by Topline Securities tells us that Samsung has been setting up factories in multiple localities to serve the country's own market and enrich the exports. In Bangladesh, 95% of the Samsung phones sold in the country are manufactured in local factories. Manufacturing mobile phones in the country can reduce the cost of importing the phones from abroad and ultimately reducing the retail price for end users.

Samsung has been added to the growing list of mobile phone manufacturers in Pakistan that have established their assembly line in the country. Bigger names among the phone manufacturers in the country include; Tecno, Infinix, Itel, Vivo, Oppo, and Realme. Latterly, a whopping $10 million USD investment has been made by Vivo in the country to set up a local manufacturing Plant in Pakistan that would contribute to the develop the local economy and to support the local workforce.

by Talha Shaikhani