SSU Siezes 3800 PS4's Found In a Mining Farm In Ukraine.

Security Service of Ukraine uncovered an enormous amount of PS4s in a mining farm.

After the ban in China on mining through GPUs, it still seems that the hunger of miners is not over yet. According to recent news, it seems like miners are finding new and different ways to mine crypto coins.

ps4 mining bitcoin ethereum
Image: Unsplash

After the ban in China on mining through GPUs, it still seems that the hunger of miners is not over yet. According to recent news, it seems like miners are finding new and different ways to mine crypto coins.

Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) uncovered an enormous, unlawful digital currency ranch in the city of Vinnytsia. This crypto mining facility had great many gaming consoles, GPUs, and processors illicitly connected to the power source.

On Thursday, the SSU detailed that the Ukrainian law authority has uncovered a covert digital money mining ranch in the city of Vinnytsia. The culprits had camped out in an old stockroom and subtly took advantage of the city's force network to mine cryptocurrency. Most curiously, the excavators were gotten with a stunning number of PlayStation 4's.

The stuff seized by SSU:

  • 3800 PS4 consoles
  • More than 500 GPU’s
  • 50 processors
  • Draft documentation on electricity consumption accounting
  • Notebooks, smart phones, USB drives.

crypto farm with 3800 ps4 mining bitcoin and ehthereum

How Did SSU Find This Mining Facility?

The miners were not worrying about the huge power usage at their mining facility, as the facility was illegally traced into the power station of their specific area. A sudden trigger of enormous power usage has gained the attention of law enforcement and as result, the crypto mining facility was founded. Then the facility was raided immediately.

Are The Miners Mining On Consoles Now?

Apparently so, as the crypto mining facility with almost 3800 units of PS4 consoles was found in Ukraine. So far mining on PS4 has never been recorded or affirmed to be working. However, even Gameboy and Commodore were, at that point, modded to mine bitcoins. So with enough assurance, cash, and power, it shouldn't be astonishing to see cryptocurrency likewise mined with consoles like the PlayStation 4. But after this situation, it very seems like these consoles need a huge amount of electricity to mine cryptocurrency.

crypto farm with 3800 ps4 mining bitcoin and ehthereum

Mining on PS4, How?

There hasn't been any substantial proof that you can really mine cryptocurrency on a PS4 console. According to reports a very huge stack of PS4 consoles is apparently connected to the internet. So, it’s very possible that Ukrainian miners had found a way to mine cryptocurrency through PS4 consoles.
The base PS4 version has 8GB of GDDR5 memory clocked at 5.5 Gbps (Gigabits per second). Across the 256-bit memory interface, the PS4 conveys a memory data transfer capacity of up to 176 GBps (Gigabytes per second). The Pro variation, then again, has memory running at 6.8 Gbps, presenting to 217.6 GBps of data transfer capacity.

GPU VS Console Mining

For comparison, we take Radeon RX 580, which is a standout amongst other mining GPUs, has a memory speed of 256 GBps. Speculatively, the PS4 Pro might actually approach a Radeon RX 580 in Ethereum mining. Even though it looks approachable to mine through a gaming console, using a GPU or ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) would still be more proficient. Then again, the Ukrainian miners were stealing a huge amount of electricity, so efficiency probably wasn't on their plan.


After noticing this whole situation, it does seem possible to mine through consoles. But using them to mine cryptocurrency will not affect the market because PS4 consoles are already being outdated now. Eventually, using the consoles to mine also seems dangerous for miners because the consoles need a huge amount of electricity to mine.

by Talha Shaikhani